I can’t take credit for this one (I don’t even have a goat), but thanks to Hardlotion Facebook member Danielle Besley, she shared how she was able to work up a recipe that brought relief to her dairy goat!
Danielle wrote: You sent me a “sample” of your beeswax with my last order. I thought you might find it interesting that I used the sample as a base for my homemade “bag balm” that I am using on the congested udder of my Nigerian Dwarf dairy goat!
I used the 1/2 oz beeswax, 1 oz coconut oil and 3 oz olive oil melted in a double boiler. I let the oils cool and then added the following essential oils: Clove Bud, Eucalyptus, Ginger, Lavender, Peppermint, Rosemary, Tea …Tree and Thyme. I picked these oils because they are either “cooling”, “heating” or “healing” and edible. I want to increase the circulation to her udder and I want her teats to taste nasty since she has started “self-suckling” due to the discomfort from the congestion. I added 48 drops of each oil and tested the balm on the back of my chapped hands. I want it to feel hot/cold but not burn 🙂 I started using it on Friday and her udder feels better already. Wish me continued luck!