Put down the can of Barbasol spray and toss the disposable Bic.
There are benefits to using a shaving soap. They’re in the form of the ingredients:
1. Keep shaving soap on a wooden pallet to dry between use.
2. Lather up the soap with water and a brush.
Another option is to keep the bar in a ramekin dish. Find our three shaving soap varieties, wooden pallet, and shaving brush, by clicking here. SOAP, BRUSH AND PALLET HERE
3. apply to skin.
4. Use your favorite razor and shave.
For beard care, try our Second Life Hair Butter, made with nourishing ingredients to keep the beard conditioned and tamed.
For more shaving tips, check out this post from The Art of Manliness:
Renee Harris, owner
MadeOn Skin Care
P.S. Does the man in your household use a shaving brush and soap bar? Tell us on Facebook what made him decide to shave this way.