On this page is a list of resources and tools I recommend to start making your own skincare products.
(Some of these are affiliate links, which means the price doesn’t change for you, but we receive a small percentage of the sale)
Essential Oil Safety: A Guide for Health Care Professionals-, 2nd Edition: This is the ultimate text on essential oils. There are 400 comprehensive essential oil profiles and almost 4000 references.
Food Scale: Look for one in both grams and ounces, that can hold up to 10 lbs (click photo for price)
Slow Cooker/Crock Pot: I prefer the manual over the digital, small over big, and one with warm/low/high setting (click photo for price)
Presto Pot: Excellent way to melt your ingredients quickly and maintain the melted mixture using the temperature control
Instant Pot: if you’re looking for another use for your Instant Pot, this should do it. Follow Lindsey’s instructions here.
Pyrex Glass Measuring Cups: These are perfect for not just measuring and pouring but if you’re using the double boiler method, this is what I’d recommend.
Silicone Molds: Yes, you can use them for baking or lotion-making as long as you keep them well cleaned and be aware that essential oil scent can potentially “stay” in the mold.
Look for molds that have cavities that can hold .5 oz to up to 2.5 oz of lotion. Cavities that are too large can cause the lotion bar to crack. (click photo for price)
Kitchen Aid Mixer: It doesn’t have to just be for making skincare! Use it for your baking needs, too. This is ideal for your whipped body butter products. Choose one with a metal bowl. (click photo for price)
From Nature With Love: http://www.fromnaturewithlove.com/
Bulk Apothecary: http://www.bulkapothecary.com/
For iron oxide: http://www.tbktrading.com
Epsom salt: http://www.sfsalt.com/epsom-salt
I generally recommend refined shea butter for DIY skincare because unrefined can be extremely difficult to work with. If you’re up for the challenge, I do recommend this company for unrefined shea butter, and it’s on Amazon (I don’t usually recommend buying ingredients off Amazon but this one I tested and approve of): https://amzn.to/31WQDVW
Specialty Bottle: http://www.specialtybottle.com/
From Nature With Love: http://www.fromnaturewithlove.com/
Bulk Apothecary: http://www.bulkapothecary.com/
For the larger glue-stick size containers, visit TheSage: https://www.thesage.com/catalog/products/Bigger-Lip-Balm-Tubes.html
Papermart: www.papermart.com
Uline: www.uline.com
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/hardlotion/