Dr. Sulsenti answers our questions about how what you eat triggers your skin condition
When I have access to an expert, especially someone who can explain and treat skin issues, I latch on to any information she can provide to me so that I can share it with you. Dr. Sulensti was generous with her time to answer my questions. Let’s dig into what triggers skin conditions and what you can do about it.
Dr. Lisa Sulsenti, a chiropractor, nutritionist, author and autism coach. She’s helped thousand of patients over the past 20 years with various health problems such as heart disease, high blood pressure, digestive problems, thyroid and hormonal imbalances, fibromyalgia, allergies, back and joint pain, headaches, skin conditions, Autism Spectrum Disorders, ADD/ADHD and weight gain. Not only does she personally use our products, she recommends them to her clients.
Q & A with Dr. Sulsenti:
1. What’s the most common skin condition your patients deal with?
The most common skin problems I see in my practice are psoriasis, eczema, dry skin and hives.
2. You mention that the cause of these skin issues are usually due to a poor gut flora. Your program walks your patients through meal plans that add therapeutic gut healing foods to their diet. Can you give us an example of three top foods that you often include in a diet like this?
Foods high in omegas 3’s such as cold water fish such as salmon, coconut oil, olive oil, nuts, seeds, and avocados.
Therapeutic vegetables such as cabbage, squash, carrots, broccoli, pumpkin and garlic.
Therapeutic fruits such as green apples, blueberries, acai, cherries and cranberries.
3. What are examples of “junk foods” that trigger health problems leading to skin conditions?
Processed foods are what I consider junk foods because if you look at their ingredient labels they are loaded with harmful ingredients that trigger health problems such as skin issues. There are man-made ingredients such as high fructose corn syrup, sugar and sugar derivatives, hydrogenated fats and synthetic preservatives, flavoring, coloring and fillers in most boxed and packaged foods as well as GMOs. Stay clear of boxed and packaged junk foods such as cookies, candy, crackers, chips, cake, soda, pancakes, waffles, muffins, granola bars, bread etc. Also stay clear of ice cream and other dairy snacks loaded with ingredients that trigger health and skin issues. Instead, eat fresh, real food.
4. What exactly happens inside the gut that eventually leads to poor skin health?
Your body typically when eating a real food such as an apple, recognizes the apples DNA pattern and because it actually recognizes the food as an apple, it knows how to break it down, use all the vitamins and minerals it needs and also get rid of what it does not need. It is all good and healthy- I call it a win win.
However, today’s foods are highly processed, boxed, packaged and loaded with harmful ingredients. Foods today have altered DNA and protein patterns as well, so unfortunately, when your body eats food such as these, it may not recognize the protein pattern or the food and as a result, it may attack the food. The immune system actually attacks the food thinking it is a foreign invader. As it attacks, trying to protect the body, it releases harmful compounds called cytokines ( I call them Pac Men). They attack the gut lining wall, creating holes in the lining which allows the Pac Men to leak out of the gut and travel in the blood to other areas of the body.
The Pac -Men continue to attack other areas such as the skin, brain, thyroid, muscles, joints, reproductive organs and so on. These attacks can result in chronic health issues such as migraines, headaches, thyroid imbalances, hormone imbalances, skin issues, joint and muscle pain, autoimmune disorders, difficulty paying attention, poor behaviors, anxiety, and digestive issues.
This attack within the gut also release Histamine which can result in skin, allergies and sinus problems. Many patients do not relate their skin, allergy or sinus issues to be coming from their gut- but it can be the cause. They also may not realize that many chronic health problems actually may start in their gut due to wrong food choices.
5. What’s your medical background/experience?
I am a chiropractor, nutritionist, author and autism coach. I own Atlantic Coast Chiropractic, a wellness center with my husband in Brick, NJ. I have helped thousand of patients over past 20 years with various health problems such as heart disease, high blood pressure, digestive problems, thyroid and hormonal imbalances, fibromyalgia, allergies, back and joint pain, headaches, skin conditions, Autism Spectrum Disorders, ADD/ADHD and weight gain.
I am also creator of DrLisaSulsenti.com, a website dedicated to creating healthy and thriving families with chronic health issues and ASD, and author of The Overtilted Child: Creating a Sensational Classroom for Kids with Autism Spectrum Disorders, Sensory Processing Disorders and ADD/ADHD.
I recently have created a one-of-a –kind online nutrition program, The Kind Gut™ program which addresses improving chronic health issues through detecting vitamin and mineral deficiencies and repairing leaky gut imbalances, and I have a new book coming out soon called The Kind Kitchen.
6. What does your ideal (your personal favorite) client look like?
My ideal client is a person who has been everywhere and tried everything to beat their health issue, but has had no luck in doing so. He/she is ready to learn how to create an illness-free, happy and active life through healthy eating and living.
7. What does your program do for people?
It transforms their life into one where their entire family embraces how to eat healthy and live a natural, illness-free lifestyle through healthy food choices.
Go to DrLisaSulsenti.com and take her quiz to see if you or a family member have a leaky gut, and make sure to check out her free list of resources that will be sure to help you and your child who suffers from gut related skin and behavior issues.